Tycho reisde afgelopen vrijdag naar Lissabon, om daar tijdens het EK Judo de EJU Social Inclusion Award 2019 te ontvangen uit handen van Jane Bridge, de Director Education van de EJU. Het was de Award van 2019 omdat er vorig jaar, tijdens de Corona Lockdown, geen gelegenheid was deze uit te reiken.
Tegelijk met Tycho ontving onze Zweedse vriend Tomas Rundqvist de award voor 2020.
Tycho is inmiddels weer veilig thuis en gaat nu in de verplichte quarantaine.
Tycho’s Reactie
First of all, I want to thank the European Judo Union for this great honor.
And to get the award from judo legende Jane Bridge is a dream come true.
I would like to dedicate this award to Ben van der Eng, my late Sensei, who started bringing countries together promoting Special Needs judo all over the World. And to all Special Needs Judoka, because of their imput, goals and effort, we were able to achieve all this.
This is an Award we all have won together, because this is Judo. We can only grow and get better together.
I would like to thank:
All people of the EJU with whom we worked together and made it possible for inclusion during the EC Kata championships and Judo Festival Porec in 2019.
The fantastic team of Special Needs Judo Foundation, who supported me after Ben’s death, in continuing to work for all SN judoka. Henk, Inger, Bob, Will, Daan, Roland, Christel.
All the people of The Dutch Judo Association (JBN) for all the possibilities and support they have given me, to carry out adapted judo.
My work TSA, who supports me all the way.
All volunteers and judoka of the SNJF and BENGMEMORIAL , who always give their best.
My dear Friend Tomas with whom I have been working close with the last 28 years.
The SNJU with whom we are doing great work to ensure the educational side of SN judo.
And last but not least, My beautiful wife Christel and mother in-law Wil, who stand by me and have to cope with my crazy out-of-the-box ideas.
Zie ook
Special Needs Seminar is a hit with judoka and coaches (Porec, 2018)
Impressive Special Needs demonstration in Kata European Championships (Gran Canaria, 2019)